Downsizing is about getting rid of your stuff to enjoy a new, smaller space with the items you want to keep. We can help you go through review and decide what to keep, donate, or throw away. We understand how hard it can be to eliminate items that have been loved and a part of your home and life for years. We will take the time to review each item with you and help you decide what to keep. Considering the space in your new home, we can help you set limits for your items. For example, we will know how to eliminate if your current home has multiple storage closets, an attic, and a garage, and your new home only has one storage closet.

  • Identify organizing systems for the new home.

  • Offer help with decision-making, “Does it still spark joy? Is it necessary? Do you have space for it? Can we keep it in a different format?

  • Provide non-biased opinions on items.

  • Expedite the process thoughtfully.

  • Move Management.

  • Unpacking.

Downsizing Design:

“Home is what you take with you, not what you leave behind.”— N.K. Jemisin, American Writer


Phuong Pham
Downsizing/ from a 1900 sf home to a three bedroom 1000sf condo